Discussion as a method of learning is a process that involves two or more participants to interact to exchange opinions, and / or defend one another in solving problems to obtain agreement among them. Learning to use an interactive discussion method of learning (Gagne & Briggs 1979: 251.). Every time one student speaks, other students who are part of the group is active listening. Who will speak first and so was the response, not necessarily arranged in advance. In discussions, students often respond to each other or comment on the answers to the answer filed by another student. Similarly, they sometimes invite members of other groups to speak, as a resource. In determining the leadership discussions, discussion group members can set their own leaders. So, through the method of discussion, student activity is very high.
Method discussion of student activity is very high. Mc. Keachie and Kulik (Gage & Berliner, 1984: 487), said that compared with the lecture method, in terms of maintaining a high level of thought processes, development and motivation of containment relations better with the discussion of the method. This is due to debate offers an opportunity for more active children and allow direct feedback. In accordance with the Mc. Keachie Kulik from his research rather than lectures, discussion of the method may increase children's understanding of the concepts and problem-solving skills. But in the transformation of knowledge, the use of the results of the discussion is slower than using lectures. Both the lecture method is more efficient to increase the knowledge of children from the discussion.
Results of research on the use of group discussion by Lorge, Fox, Davitz, and Brenner (Davies, 1984:237 - 239) can be summarized in the following summary.
a. Regarding the question of risk, a more radical decisions than individual decision.
b. If there pelbagi opinions about issues that are new, then divide this group is more appropriate than individual solutions, but not always the case that because of the mediocre.
c. If the material does not issue new material, and group members have the skills to solve the same problem, the solution is better than breaking the group by individual members, but sometimes the most intelligent solution for better
d. Kindness is not filing main group discussions many approaches, but the rejection of an approach that does not make sense. (This conclusion does not apply to "invade the brain").
e. Who benefit from group discussions, students are weak in solving problems.
f. Excellence group is a function of the quality of each member of the group. A group can be expected to solve the problem, if at least one member able to accomplish individually, even if it takes more time.
g. In terms of time, usually less efficient group method. If the members of mutual trust and cooperate well, the group can work faster than individual work.
h. The presence of outsiders affect the performance of group members. If the groups work together in harmony, and an outsider to join the group, he has a positive influence, if cooperation is not harmonious, then the presence
The establishment and modification of goal-oriented attitude is a discussion about the issues that arise. The discussion aims to create or modify this attitude, starting with the teacher asks a number of issues or events that illustrate issues that exist in society (such as collusion in an institution, sexual harassment, national discipline movement, eviction, and so on). Teacher or group leader then asked for views from members of the group to find alternative solutions to problems that matter. The comments on the problem or answer to the problem can become a member of the group and group leader. During the discussion, trying to find a sharpening of the discussion leader and a better clarification of this issue by introducing a different example, and move the discussion members filed a statement.
For the purpose Discussions Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting is a major goal of the discussion (Maier, Department of Education, 1983:29). The problem of learning with the appropriate method for discussion is the problem that produces a lot of alternative solutions. And also problems that contain many variables. The number of alternatives and / or variables can provoke children to think. Therefore, the issue for discussion that the solution does not require children to think, for example, only requires children to memorize, then the problem is not suitable for discussion.
According Maiyer (Department of Education, 1983:29) in small group discussions, to improve the students to participate in solving problems. Therefore, if teachers want the maximum involvement of children in discussions, then the number of members to consider teachers' discussion group. The number of discussion group members who are able to maximize the participation of members is between 3-7 members. From my observation, discussion groups whose members are between the 3-7 that's all, members of the alleged lack of full participation ranged from 1-2 people. In discussions with a relatively small number of members allows each child the opportunity to participate. Problems or issues that should be used as discussion topics that are relevant to the interests of children. Issues interesting discussion appropriate children to encourage the involvement of mental and emotional involvement in an optimal student.
Through the use of the method of discussion, students also have the opportunity to practice communication skills and the skills to develop strategic thinking in solving problems. However, the discussion method of learning such as this success is highly dependent on members of the group itself in utilizing the opportunity to participate in the study. To improve the process of discussion, the role of discussion leader is very important.
Discussion leader serves to clarify the topics that are not clear. If the discussion does not work, the discussion leader must take the initiative by asking for ideas that could provoke discussion participant opinion. Similarly, if there is tension in the process of discussion, the task is to ease tensions discussion leader. Not infrequently opinion deviates from the main topic of discussion, because it is a discussion leader in charge to return the conversation to the main topic of discussion.
Ownership of knowledge in general about the issues discussed were the prerequisites for each participant is able to express an opinion. Discussions will not succeed if participants have no knowledge of the issues discussed. In a formal discussion, to complement the knowledge of participants, first presented a paper prepared by one participant.
The purpose of the presentation of papers was to open up horizons and minds of participants to be able to give his opinion.
Some Types of Discussion :
a. Large group discussions (Whole Group Discussion). Types of large group discussions conducted with regard class as a group. In this discussion, teachers and discussion leaders. However, students who are deemed competent, to be given to teachers as discussion leaders. In a large group discussion, as discussion leaders, teachers play a role in starting the discussion. To that end, teachers can pose a problem and clarification that encourages children to ask for opinions. In a large group discussion, not all students pay the same attention, because it is a challenge to teachers as discussant sensitize children to the issues under discussion. In addition, the distribution of students who want to argue, must be addressed. Large group discussions, conversations often dominate certain children. As a result, not all children have the opportunity to argue. To avoid this situation, discussion leader must regulate the distribution of conversation. Toughest challenge for leaders is to promote discussion of the courage of the parties to be heard. In practice, many children who do not have the courage to assert in the discussion. Specially for children who have less management tasks have been the subject of numerous discussions
b. Small Group Discussion (Buzz Group Discussion) The class is divided into several small groups consisting of 4-5 people. This place is set for students to discuss face to face and exchange ideas with ease. Discussions were held in mid or late lessons in order to sharpen understanding of the framework of lessons lessons, clarifying the mastery of teaching materials or to answer questions. the expected learning outcomes for all individuals is to compare the perceptions that may differ about learning materials, comparing the interpretation and the information obtained by each individual who can enhance mutual understanding, perception, information, interpretation, so as to avoid mistakes.
c. Panel Discussion The primary function of the panel discussion is to maintain earnings at a discussion group participant from the situation, where the group size does not permit participation in the group as an absolute. In the case of panel providing the benefits of participation in a large group of others in situations of discussion held by some participants that terplih. Selected participants who carry out the panel representing multiple points of view are considered in resolving the problem. They have the background knowledge that are eligible to participate in the discussion. Forum spectators physical panel can be attended by directly or indirectly (through TV, radio, etc.).
d. Discussion Group. A class divided into small groups consisting of 3-6 people. Each small group had a discussion with certain problems. Teacher explains the outline of the problem for the class, he described the aspects of the problem and then each group (Syndicate) given subject to the same group or different each is assigned to find a consensus answer to its completion. To facilitate discussion of children, teachers can provide references or sources of relevant information. Each session syndicate itself or reading materials, discussion and conclusions menysusun syndicate. Each group presented the conclusions of the discussions in plenary session for discussion is a classic.
e. Brain storming Group. The group contributed a new idea without immediately assessed. Each member of the group issued their opinion. the expected learning outcome is for the group learn to respect other people's opinions, generate ideas that are found to be true.
f. Symposium. Some people talk about certain aspects of the topic and read in front of the symposium participants in a brief (5-20 minutes). Then followed by rebuttals and questions from the buffer as well as from listeners. Discussion and rebuttal by a drafting committee then formulated as a result of the symposium.
g. Informal debate. Classes are divided into two rather large team and discuss the same subjects that are suitable for debate without debate the rules of debate. Materials suitable for the debate is problematic, not what is factual.
h. Colloqium. Someone or some human resources to answer questions from the audience. In teaching and learning activities of students who were interviewed human resources, and then invite other questions / additional students from other students.
i. Fish Bowl. Some participants headed by a chairman held a discussion to take decisions. Seating is arranged half-circle with two or three empty chairs facing the participants in the discussion, the audience sits around the group discussion, as if seeing the fish that are in a bowl (fish bowl). In the discussion group discussion, group listeners who want to donate your mind can go sit in a chair empty. If the chairman allows a discussion to talk he can talk directly, and leave the chair after speaking.
Usability Methods Discussion
Discussion as a teaching method that is more suitable and necessary if we (teachers) want to provide opportunities for students: to express his ability, critical thinking, assessing its role in the discussions, the issue from their own experiences and lessons in school, motivating, and rate further. Through discussion skills can be developed to clarify, classify, formulate hypotheses, interpret, draw conclusions, apply theory, and communicate opinions. In addition, discussion methods to train the attitudes of children to respect other people's opinions, to exercise the courage to voice their opinions, maintain, and provide a rational relationship with the opinions he has put forward.
General Principles of Method Discussion Some things to consider in the implementation of the method discussion, is as follows.
a. Formulation of the problem or problems are discussed for the 131 carried out together with students.
b. Explaining the nature of the problem with the aim of why the problem selected for discussion.
c. The settings include extending the role of student feedback, suggestions, opinions, questions, and answers to solve problems that arise.
d. Inform discussion of discipline.
e. Directing the conversation to fit the purpose.
f. Provide guidance students to draw conclusions.\
Teacher Role As Leader Discussions
To maintain continuity, smoothness and effectiveness of discussion, the role of teachers as discussion leaders decide. Mainuddin, Hadisusanto and Moedjiono, 1980:8 - 9, mentions a number of roles to be played by teachers as discussion leaders, are as follows.
a. Getting Started, which suggest new ideas or new ways to look at issues being discussed.
b. Search for information, which asks the relevant facts or information that otoritarif about discussion topics.
c. Provide information, including the relevant facts or point of discussion relates to personal experiences of participants.
d. Gives opinion, that is to give opinions about the topic under consideration group, could be in the form of challenging the consensus or attitude "nrimo" group.
e. Clarification, which is to formulate a statement of a person; clarify one's membership statement.
f. Elaborating, which was to develop one's statements or provide examples or applications.
g. Control, which are both convinced that a turn to speak; ensure that members who need to talk, get their turn to speak.
h. Encouraging resetif, namely the existence and responsitif statements and ideas of members.
i. Setting Standards, which provide or request a group setting, criteria for assessing urunan member.
j. Harmonization, which reduces the level of tension that occurs in the discussion.
k. Reducing tensions, which do the healing after the stress.
l. Coordination, who concludes the main ideas that emerged in discussion, helping the group develop the idea.
m. Oriented, which gives a position that has been achieved in group discussions and direct travel further discussion.
n. Tests, which assess the opinions and views on straightening to be achieved.
o. Consensus Testing, menialai level agreements reached and to avoid differences of opinion.
p. Summarizing, which summarizes the agreements reached.